
Obama bäst på lördag, dålig på söndag

Politiska tyckare verkar hyfsat samstämmiga i att Barack Obama var den som presterade bäst på årets Jefferson-Jackson-middag i lördags. David Yepsen på Des Moines Register (största tidningen i Iowa) skriver, "Obama's superb speech at Jefferson Jackson Dinner could catapult his bid":

"Obama was particularly impressive. Should he come from behind to win the Iowa caucuses, Saturday's dinner will be remembered as one of the turning points in his campaign here."

Craig Crawford på CQ Politics håller med:

"If a single phrase can turn around the Democratic presidential nomination race in pivotal Iowa, it might be this line from Illinois Sen. Barack Obama to 9,000 party activists on Saturday night: “When I’m your nominee, my opponent won’t be able to say that I supported this war in Iraq.”

Walter Shapiro instämmer i Salon och menar att Obama "found his voice". Men han är kritisk mot Obamas framträdande i Meet the Press morgonen därpå:

"The fiery Obama of Saturday night had been replaced on Sunday morning by a replicant, a tepid candidate mostly concerned with avoiding mistakes rather than winning converts. ... Early in the interview, Russert ran a clip from Saturday night's speech and challenged Obama to identify precisely who was 'talking and acting and voting like George Bush Republicans.' This was Obama's moment of decision -- either up the ante by calling out Hillary, or fold. ... in political terms, Obama's answer was useless, since it would never convince anyone to vote against the Democratic front-runner."

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