
Making It

Med på min resa har jag inte mindre än tre böcker om Barack Obama. Vem vet, kanske kommer jag hem som ett Obama-fan. För er som inte har tid eller lust att läsa böcker om honom kan läsa Ryan Lizzas artikel i New Yorker (som tyvärr i detta nummer har en mindre fräsch framsida). Ett 15 sidors långt reportage om politikern Barack Obama, Making It:

Obama has frequently been one step ahead of his friends and the public in anticipating his own rise. Perhaps it is all those people he has met over the years who told him that he would be President one day.

Marty Nesbitt remembers Obama’s utter calm the day he gave his celebrated speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, in Boston, which made him an international celebrity and a potential 2008 Presidential candidate. “We were walking down the street late in the afternoon,” Nesbitt told me. “And this crowd was building behind us, like it was Tiger Woods at the Masters.”

“Barack, man, you’re like a rock star,” Nesbitt said.

“Yeah, if you think it’s bad today, wait until tomorrow,” Obama replied.

“What do you mean?”

“My speech,” Obama said, “is pretty good.”