"We always knew and said Iowa would be our toughest state, which is why we built this campaign to compete in states across the nation through February 5th. Democrats around the country are going to have their voices heard in determining the next President and we have the resources and the organization to make our case from start to finish.
Rhetoric vs. Results, Talk vs. Action
Last night at the debate New Hampshire voters saw the difference between talk versus action, rhetoric and results.
Hillary Clinton has a real record of making change and getting results for New Hampshire families. If you want to know what kind of change the candidates will make, look at the change they have already made.
She took the lead in the White House on ensuring that 6 million kids nationwide have health insurance, including 7,000 children in New Hampshire.
She worked with Republicans and helped pass legislation that guaranteed that every member of our National Guard and Reserves has access to health care. As a result 2700 New Hampshire members of the Guards and Reserves have access to health care regardless of their deployment status.
She took the lead in passing legislation that helped ensure that up to 324,000 children in New Hampshire have been vaccinated.
She took the lead in passing legislation that helped double the number of adoptions out of foster care.
Hillary’s real record of action and results for New Hampshire families serves in sharp contrast to her opponents.
At the debate last night it was clear when opponents were asked what change they had made:
Instead of telling New Hamphsire voters what he had done for them, Barack Obama defended rhetoric and talk and cited legislation that bans sit-down meals with lobbyists but allows them to stand up and eat together.
Obama talked about government reform, but denied that the co-chair of his New Hampshire campaign is a lobbyist. He talked about energy reform but couldn’t defend his vote in favor of Dick Cheney’s energy plan that gave the big oil companies billions in tax breaks. He talked about his speech against the war, but didn't explain why he voted for 300 billion in funding for the war and why he said as late as 2004 that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the war.
And all John Edwards could point to on behalf of New Hampshire families was legislation that passed the Senate but never passed Congress and was never signed into law.
Hillary said no matter how beautifully presented, words are not action and pointed to real accomplishments that made real change for people.
The choice for New Hampshire voters is clear – Hillary Clinton’s action and results vs her opponents’ rhetoric and talk."
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