
Obama fyller på med tv-reklam

Barack Obama pratade i helgen om pensionssystemet och attackerade bland annat Hillary Clinton. Nu följer han upp sitt tal med en tv-reklam som ska köras i Iowa:

OBAMA: I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message.

OBAMA: We’ve got 78 million baby boomers who are going to be retiring. There’s going to be more money going out than money coming in.

OBAMA: If we have failed to have a real, honest conversation about Social Security, it will not get fixed. This is a program that millions of people depend on.

The Obama Principles:

· Protect benefits

· No privatization of Social Security

· End Social Security tax exemption for the wealthy

OBAMA: I don’t want to just put my finger out to the wind and see what the polls say. I want to bring the country together to solve a problem. [Applåder]

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