
Borde Obama ställa upp redan 2008?

Barack Obama är av de mest omtalade senatorerna i USA, trots att han bara suttit i senaten i ett år. Han fick sitt definitiva genombrott på demokraternas partikonvent där John Kerry formellt utsågs till demokraternas presidentkandidat, där han höll ett bejublat tal. Han har lyckats perfekt i sin marknadsföring men också fått beröm för att han inte låtit detta stiga honom åt huvet utan istället jobbat hårt i senaten.

Nu menar Ryan Lizza i The New Republic att Barack Obama borde ställa upp i valet redan 2008, trots hans korta politiska erfarenhet på toppnivå. Tidigare var han senator i Illinois. Detta för att han annars riskerar att få vänta till 2016 om en demokrat vinner valet 2008. Problemet menar Lizza är att det är mycket svårt att bli president om man är senator. Det finns många röstningar som i efterhand kan se konstiga ut efter att senatorn har träffat en kompromiss eller röstat utifrån hur vindarna blåste just då. I en valkampanj går det att framställa en senators röstande nästan hur som helst.

Lizza för också fram en intressant lag gällande presidentval. Ingen blir val om det gått mer än 14 år från det första stora valframgången. Noll år Dwight Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, William Howard Taft, två år Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, fyra år Franklin Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge och sex år George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon och Warren Harding.

Personligen tycker jag det var tråkigt att Obama blev senator och inte istället satsade på en guvernörspost, där chansen att bli president är mycket större. Obama är svart och det vore upplyftande att få USA:s första svarta president, men framförallt verkar han vara en spännande person med en balanserad syn på saker och ting. Jag är dock inte helt insatt i hans politiska åsikter, så jag får lämna en liten brasklapp där.

3 kommentarer:

Mathias Sundin sa...

Om jag minns rätt vann han senatsvalet överlägset.

Det är alltid ett svårt övervägande naturligtvis vilken väg en politiker med ambitioner ska välja. Jag minns att Bill Clinton tackade sin lyckliga stjärna att han inte lyckades i kongressvalet och istället blev guvernör, hade han blivit kongressledamot hade han aldrig blivit president.

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International coalition against political islam (ICAPI)


ICAPI promotes the ideals and objectives of its member groups and assists them in achieving political influence.

Membership of the Coalition is open to Muslim groups and groups from a Muslim background opposed to political Islam, and that subscribe to the following Guiding Principles: Democracy; Human Rights; Separation of religion and state; Equality and freedom of the sexes; Freedom of expression and belief; and Non-violence.


We define democracy as a system of government in which ultimate power is in the hands of the people, and in which every adult person is entitled to an equal say. This is seen as in opposition to dictatorship, where power resides in the hands of an un-elected person or group maintained in power by force, or theocracy – which we define as a system of government in which ultimate power in society rests with the representatives of God. According to these definitions, the government of Iran, for example, is a theocracy rather than a democracy, even though people vote for their members of parliament.

Human Rights

These are defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. We do not recognise attempts to redefine these rights as, for example, in the Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights, which are merely political attempts to limit human freedom. The priority is to attack the most outrageous Human Rights abuses before attacking the (equally real but relatively minor) injustices of the developed world.

Separation of Religion and State

We will promote separation of religion and state by exposing the chilling impact of political Islam wherever it has power. By drawing the distinction between Islam as a religion and political Islam we shall reach the masses most under threat from the latter.

As well as separation of religion and state – i.e. executive power – we must strive for separation of religion from the judiciary. Both politics and religion can influence the judiciary not only through the selection of judges but in the administration of justice. Some of the greatest injustices in the world today are being perpetrated in the name of God. Only democracy and true separation can bring justice to the people.

Equality and freedom of the sexes

In the part of the globe that interests us this remains extremely sensitive; women’s enemy number one is not, as we tend to believe, men, but those women who are not disposed to offer to future generations what they themselves have never had. The key to this is to teach women and girls about their worth as individuals and their right to dignity and autonomy.

This being the case, we cannot deny that we live in a man’s world that has always feared the empowerment of women. Religions made by men have never favoured the rights of women.

Freedom of expression and belief

Right now it is the religious who benefit from an absolute monopoly of this freedom - to the detriment of others in society. The state must become the guarantor of this freedom for all, believers and non-believers alike. Freedom of expression does have its limits; we may not exhort others to violence, for example. But we must have the right to openly criticize irrational beliefs, historical myths and the malign practices of religion. We must regain the ground now heavily occupied exclusively by the religious.


We reject violence in any form as a means to obtaining our objectives. We oppose all violence and inhuman punishment perpetrated in the name of religion or family honour.

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